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Our school in PGII 1  SeniorHighSchool Bandung,Indonesia.
We are part of class x-1.
Okay,in here we will talk about sundanese culture.
But,Let us to introduce us-self!

1.Lukman Hermansyah

My name is Lukman Hermansyah.
I'm leader in this group.
I am giving tasks to each member group.
I'm serving as searching about problem in this sundanese culture.
I'm as editing blog.

2.Pungky Andry Juniar

My name is Pungky Andry Juniar.
i'm is a member in this group.
a blog,searching videos,searching about WestJava batik and searching about Sundanese cuisine.

3.Hikmawati Octaviani Islami

My name is Himawati Octavia Islami.
I'm member in this group.
I'm searching about typical Sundanese musical Instrument .

4.M.Fariz Dwiki K
My name is M.Fariz Dwiki Kurniawan
Im a member 3 in this group
I'm searching of Sundanese dancing  and Sundanese people.

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Sundanese culture diminished in the community

Sundanese culture diminished in the community

The dynamics of human life that continues to grow rapidly now entering a new phase, which is half of modern civilization.Development of mass media as a window of information society and technological sophistication, capable of changing human lifestyles that no longer rely on traditional ways of life. Civilization would have been like this, more or less eroded the old cultural values. Gradually, various kinds of cultural heritage such as art, musical instruments, the local language, to the traditional game was becoming obsolete and being a stranger in his own country.
Modernization is affecting the stability of the cultures in various areas, including the Sundanese culture. The original culture of West Java community is becoming increasingly pinched. indeed unfortunate, whereas it contains a lot of Sundanese culture philosophical values ​​and one of the oldest cultures in Indonesia.
Various elements of the real potential Sundanese culture still many who do not even tereksplor. Call it traditional games such as "sorodot gaplok", "chatterbox jengkol" and "jajangkungan". Or traditional musical instruments such as "angklung", "lute", "xylophone", "saron", and "bonang". Sunda and specialties such as "Surabi", "ranginang", and "opaque" seems to have received considerable attention.
Sundanese culture faded charm of this happened because people blinded by a foreign culture is packaged in such a way that creates a feeling of pride and confidence with their own culture. More concerned him more, the emergence of negative perceptions such as "out of date", "no slang", or "wong Deso" was in those who still maintain the Sundanese culture. For example, between the dances jaipong underestimated compared with break dancing that was loved by young children.
Perception is that it's time to change, when a foreign culture with free use of mass media to promote their culture. Why Sundanese people did not do so to increase the interest in studying the local culture again? Difficult can it? Should we wait first Sundanese culture that we have claimed another nation?
Surely the role of society and government in this case, must co-exist. Government who have access and authority, as soon as possible menghak patented all its cultural heritage and provide facilities to the community to create and preserve culture. Not just a place, but financial support has so far not felt the community.
This modern life can not be separated for granted. Moreover, to shut ourselves off from the development of Science and Technology. Indeed humans need a decent life in accordance with the times. However, should not forget the local culture or feel pride in native culture. Moreover, these cultures have values ​​and philosophical benefits.
This is what we need to realize, no nation can live forever just relied on natural resources. The results of this earth is now very thin, especially after the occurrence of various kinds of disasters are increasingly eroded the wealth of nature. Then what will we bequeath to our grandchildren someday when suppose the earth is depleted and the culture was extinct?


Yeye Sukmaya, cultural activists and Sunda, said Sunda cosmology must be introduced to the outside world in order to show that the culture of Indonesia, especially Sunda, not least from other cultures are taught about the pristine spiritualism.

"Cosmology Sunda contain teachings that humans have always lived harmoniously and harmony between man and man and man to God. It has existed since the 15th century and was raised again in the 20th century," he said in Bandung on Friday (27/3).

He said that people should be given the understanding that this Sunda Cosmology is something spiritual rather than mystical.

"From the first, Sunda has taught that there is Sang Hyang singles. That the Creator should be worshiped. When Islam came, Cosmology Sundanese mingled with religion. They do not collide, but rather stand next to each other. If mystical, human worship what's on world, which is horizontal in nature and are equal to humans, "said Yeye.

However, according to him, before this could be introduced to the outside world, the Indonesian people themselves must be willing to know their culture and proud culture of Indonesia.

According to him, people are now embarrassed to be the perso Sunda and finally the culture that was eroded every change of generations.

"Modernization of the materialist culture to destroy the good. How kids can love their own culture when every waking morning cartoon show he always diasupi west? Spectacle that loudly? When I grow up, children will bring their influence continues to be since childhood. So do not be surprised if one day the Sundanese culture will become extinct, "he said.

Dra Anne Nurfarina, MSN, Executive Chairman of the Cultural Event held on Sunda Cosmology (26/3) at the University of Pasundan (Unpas) Bandung, said many people no longer love Sundanese Sundanese culture because of insecurity into the Sundanese.

Influx of Western culture causes people no longer go into the culture of Indonesia, particularly Sundanese culture. "People no longer understand Sundanese culture. Thus, they become less confident because of fear of being wrong. Culture are increasingly fading," he said.

Yeye Sukmaya provide solutions to overcome the fading threat of Indonesia's cultural pride, which wawuh, wanoh, love, and identity.

"People, especially the Sundanese, must apply wawuh, wanoh, love, and identity. That is, the people must know the culture first, then try to memengerti, then nurture it, love it, so that there arose our identity as a nation of Indonesia," he said.

Love the culture and sense of nationalism should be taught to children from childhood to adulthood when they get to know their culture and trying to preserve it.

Finally, the government also must be willing to work directly in increasing the love of Sundanese culture to the community in West Java, he added.

In a seminar held on Sunda Cosmology Unpas on (27/3), an expert on the history and culture of Sunda, Prof. Jacob Soemarjo, was present to give the material a matter of Cosmology Sunda.

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TariAn Merak (Peacock Dance)

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Gamelan Wrhatnala: Jaipong Dance at Embassy of Indonesia

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Angklung with We Are The World.

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Angklung at Saung Udjo, Bandung

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West Javanese batik

West Javanese Batik

West Java Batik
Viscous element of culture

Nearly two years, UNESCO's recognition of Indonesian batik as the intangible heritage of the imprint in the community, even if the various parties still doubt it.

To add to the conviction that UNESCO recognition is still worth keeping, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Foreign Ministry) Indonesia held a photo exhibition and batik from nine ASEAN countries in the Asia-Africa Conference Museum (MKAA) on August 24 to September 9.

Batik designs are on display in the form of nine works of nine student scholarships batik art and culture of Indonesia (BSBI) and a number of classical batik from Indonesia. Chairman opened the exhibition Dekranasda Jabar, Netty Heryawan, Foreign Ministry Director General for Public Information and the Chairman of the Foundation Andri Hadi Batik Indonesia, Jultin Ginandjar Kartasasmita and Chairman of the West Java Batik Foundation, Sendy Joseph.

According to Andi Hadi, batik exhibition aims to strengthen friendship among ASEAN countries. "We deliberately wanted to give knowledge about batik Indonesia to students in ASEAN countries," he said, not long ago.

Previously, nine students received training at training centers and employment Sleman, Yogyakarta for two months. Batik training is the first of five times the organization of BSBI. While batik chosen to assert penghakuan UNESCO.

"Essentially we want to introduce batik to all ASEAN countries and the world that batik is really the culture of Indonesia," he said.

While Chairman of Batik Indonesia over, Jultin Ginandjar Kartassasmita pleaded not afraid to introduce batik to students from other countries. According Jultin, batik Indonesia contains elements culture is very strong. In addition, in the process of making batik will incorporate science and its meaning motif made.

"It's very different with batik in other countries, including nine students from nine ASEAN countries, there is no meaning in batik made," he explained.

While Prasetyani Herawan Netty said, batik exhibition can at least lift the name of the city of Bandung in West Java in the eyes includes international as 1955. For West Java batik culture is ingrained, especially in the Cirebon, Indramayu, Garut, Tasikmalaya, and Kudat.

"Current developments in West Java batik is so rapid, almost all areas in West Java has a habit of making batik with motif of their respective areas," he added.

Batik go International


Batik lesson will be included in the curriculum of primary schools and secondary schools in the Chicago public, which is the largest city in the state of Illinois, United States, which is also the city where the private residence of U.S. President Barack Obama is.
According to information received by AFP from the Consulate General in Chicago, batik lessons will begin to put into the curriculum of elementary and secondary schools Chicago Public School starting school year 2012.
Not only in schools, batik lessons will also be given to the general public and the Chicago Park District Community Center.
As disclosed Consul Consulate General of Information and Socio-Cultural Chicago, Shirley Malinton, told AFP, to prepare the inclusion of batik lessons in the Chicago public school curriculum by 2012, the Consulate General in Chicago will provide training for teachers of public school art.
The training was held in cooperation with the Peace School and Chicago Public School and will be held on 19 November. Training "Batik Art Workshop for Educators" will be held at Douglas Park Cultural and Community Center, Chicago, and will be guided by Avy Loftus.
One an artist and educator from Indonesia, Avy Loftus is also the Founder and Chairman of the Peace, Love and Hope Project, a nonprofit organization that is located in Montreal Canada. In addition to the Avy, training will also be provided by Dyah cashier, local officials Consulate General Chicago.
By Sherly Malinton, batik training on 19 November will be attended by 80 participants consisting of art teachers in elementary schools and secondary schools (Grade 1-9) Chicago.
After undergoing training, teachers will teach you how to make batik batik and patchwork to their students - aged 5-15 years - as part of an arts curriculum that is associated with the mission of peace.

It took 2 years for batik 'go international'

 JAKARTA - Minister of Industry, MS Hidayat target, with therevamping of the country, Indonesian batik can go international in two years.

To that end, the Ministry of Industry intends to make batik threedomestic issues: the regeneration of human resources, raw materials, and the certainty of the future.

"It took two years (to go international)," said Hidayat.

"Now we also take in the domestic market imported batik Malaysiaand China, though to a certain segment. But number one we keepour domestic market. Do not let the world heritage batik batik in the domestic market but held our baseball."

Just so you know, the current batik artisans who dominated theirage. So the availability of raw materials gondorukem as batik.

"I was talking to Perhutani has gondorukem products that can beprioritized domestic demand before exporting them. It involves the negotiation of prices," said Hidayat.

Batik Fashion
Modern times, as now, the rapidly growing world of batik clothes and fashion. Batik Indonesia, especially West Java batik clothing only for the kings of ancient times. From time to time batik shirt replicated by local communities and make batik clothes to wear everyday. And until now batik clothes are still used by the people of Indonesia. Batik clothing, is now ready to go international. Batik clothes are known all around the world, especially in Asia and now many of the world to wear batik. As a native of Indonesia should be proud of the culture because the culture of batik batik as typical Indonesian and Indonesian batik has a different meaning compared to other countries batik.

examples of batik fashion :

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Sights in the city of Bandung

Bandung City

Bandung (pronounced bandung) (Indonesian: Kota Bandung) is the capital of West Java province in Indonesia, and the country's third largest city, and second largest metropolitan area in Indonesia with a population of 7.4 million in 2007. Located 768 meters (2,520 ft) above sea level, approximately 140 km south eastern of Jakarta, Bandung has cooler temperatures all year-round than most other Indonesian cities. The city lies on a river basin surrounded by volcanic mountains. This topography provides a good natural defense system, which was the primary reason for the Dutch East Indies government's plan to move the colony capital from Batavia to Bandung.

The Dutch colonials first opened tea plantations around the mountains in the eighteenth century, followed by a road construction connecting the plantation area to the capital (180 km or 112 miles to the northwest). The Dutch inhabitants of the city demanded for the establishment of a municipality (gemeente), which was granted in 1906, and Bandung gradually developed itself into a resort city for the plantation owners. Luxurious hotels, restaurants, cafes and European boutiques were opened of which the city was dubbed as Paris van Java (Dutch: "The Paris of Java").

After Indonesian independence in 1945, the city experienced rapid development and urbanization, transforming Bandung from idyllic town into a dense 16,500 people/km² metropolitan area, a living space for over 2 million people. Natural resources have been exploited excessively, particularly in the conversions of protected upland area into highland villa and real estates. Although the city has encountered many problems (ranging from waste disposal, floods to chaotic traffic system, etc.), Bandung still attracts immigrants and weekend travelers.

- Culinary -

Surabi Cute (Surabi Imut)

About Surabi Cute Bandung
Bandung, West Java, Indonesia Cute Surabi Initially started as a global monetary crisis, especially the monetary crisis in Indonesia. Cute Surabi originally established in July 1998, the establishment of Cute Surabi was initiated by Mr. ating Supardi and his daughter Riana Rismawati. Month of July 2001, Surabi Cute relocate to Jl. Dr. Setiabudi 175 Bandung. In this place Surabi Imut growing and even its existence is recognized by many as an example. As a manifestation of the success of Surabi Cute, Riana Rismawati as the manager succeeded in making Surabi Cute as icons Bandung traditional foods.

Surabi cute is the precursor for the manufacture of various flavors. If earlier, people familiar with Java Surabi is typical western diet that tastes just two flavors (sweet and Surabi Surabi Oncom), but now had Cute Surabi modify Surabi to 27 different flavors. Just look at ......, there is a sense of strawberries, chicken flavor, egg flavor, chocolate, etc.. All of which can be enjoyed by all walks of life. In fact, believe it or not, there are people who are willing to drive their own vehicles from Jakarta to Bandung, just to enjoy this delicious super-Surabi.

Sausage House Bandung (Rumah Sosis Bandung)

Still included in the series of family attractions in Bandung, this timesaving Snack Street (Jalan Jajan Hemat) will review about SausageHouse in Bandung. This place is located at Jl Setiabudi 295, so fromthe city of Bandung, the studies are in the direction of Lembang, easy to find because it is located on the edge koq highway. The theme is taken Eat, Swim and Play to confirm that this is not just sellingsausages, but also as a complete family holiday.

When viewed from the outside, it looks like this place is not great, but once entered into it, new areas have seen a wide and diverse games available there. To enter cost Rp 2,000 / person. Well this is kinda weird, koq cover charge, yes, it should be free, because for every game will be charged again. Inside the restaurant you can order a variety of sausages, either chicken or beef in a variety of types and sizes, such as Beef Garlic, Black Pepper, Chicken Chipolata, Bockwurst Beef, Mini Bockwurst, Super Cheesy, Cheesy Mini or Big Bockwurst, cost about USD 8000-9000 / pieces of sausage, a bit cheaper than at De 'Ranch. It was pretty okay and sausages here do not use preservatives or dyes. In addition there are also sausages makanan2 koq other, the price range of around Rp 20,000 - Rp 70,000. On the wall resto seen photographs of some of the artists who've been to this house sausage.
While the parents to fill the stomach, anak2 can also happily playhere. Because the game is said to be quite complete. Ranging fromswimming pools, ATV, mini motor cross, , bicycles, otoped, flying fox, trampoline, toy cars, fishing pond, a tree house, funclimbing, horse riding, maze, sausage boats, playland, a place to swim, variousgames Bazzar.


Natural Attractions

Mountain Tangkuban Boat (Tangkuban Perahu)

Mount Tangkuban Boat is located about 30 km north of the city of Bandung. This wonderful place is located in Lembang, approximately 30 minutes from London using the vehicle bermotor.Gunung Tangkuban Perahu have as high an altitude 2084 meters. The mountain is one of the attractive tourist destination in West Java. Its natural environment is cool, and hot springs in the legs of the mountain. A row of elongated crater, the main attraction is actually a boat tersendiri.Tangkuban volcano. Tangkuban boat named because its shape resembles an inverted ship.The boat itself Tangkuban name is attached to a legendary land of Sunda are well known, namely Sangkuriang. Mount Tangkuban boat from a distance looks like an upturned boat, supposedly caused by supernatural powers Sangkuriang failed to finish the job in the overnight boat to marry Dayang Sumbi is none other than his own mother. Because so upset not to complete construction of the boat, finally Sangkuriang kicked the unfinished boat. Diataslah legend who became closely linked in the naming of the mountain Tangkuban boat.Tangkuban mountain charm of this boat is so awesome, even when the weather is sunny, the curve of the soil on the crater walls can be seen clearly, in contrast with the green trees around the volcano. Not only that, the bottom of the crater we were able to enjoy the beauty that was amazing. The natural beauty is what makes the boat Tangkuban become one of the flagship nature of West Java Province, Bandung in particular.Tangkuban road to the boat, the right frame on the road you will see the green carpet of tea gardens and rows of pine trees. His name is also a mountain, it is definitely very cool air at all times. Because the boat is Tangkuban Mount Merapi is still active today, it has always been a lot of crater eruption that left the rest of the eruption. The crater-crater current is already used as a wisata.Kawah-crater Ratu Crater include, Upas, Domas, New, Jurig, Rhino, Jurian, Demon and Pangguyungan Rhino. Among these craters, the crater of the Queen is the largest crater, followed by Upas crater crater that is located adjacent to the Queen. Some of the crater sulfur smell smoke, there is even forbidden to descend the crater, because the smell of toxic smoke.If you visit London, take the time you visited Tangkuban boat. The cool air, beautiful scenery, it will make you satisfied. Tangkuban visiting boats mean you have to enjoy the natural attractions, Lagenda, as well as shopping. Because of this mountain region we find many merchants that sell a variety of sauvenir, food, etc.. On the crater rim of this mountain you can also walk around with a rented horse, all of which will add to your satisfaction the tour. Come and Enjoy ..!

Kawah Putih dan Situ Patenggang

In South Bandung, there are some pretty interesting tourism objects to visit. Among them are White and Situ patengan Crater (people often refer Situ). Due to the considerable distance away from the city of Bandung, about 2.5 hours, is recommended if you want to visit the place in South London, it is better to multiple places at once, so that your trip more efficient.

Kawah Putih

This place is located in the Ciwidey. The scenery is quite beautiful, it's cold. On the mountain, there is a stretch of white sand, and there is a green lake in the middle, a scene which is quite a contrast. Evenwhen I get there, there is a bride and groom who were taking for pre-wedding photos.

Beautiful place was reportedly discovered by a Dutchman named Dr.Franz Wilhelm Junghuh. He does not believe the stories aboutpeople who say the area is haunted Patuha. So there is no animal that passes even birds flying across it could die. It found the lake, in which there are bursts ofsulfur, so the animals do not like the smell.
Near the entrance there are some saung, so we can rest in a relaxedatmosphere that we never get in the big cities. Admission price is quite cheap, Rp. 3,500 / person, plus Rp 3,000 for the car. Indeed,in this place there are no facilities, not just selling the existing landscape. Unfortunately, this ought to be a very attractive tourist place if it is managed by the local government seriously.

Situ Patengan

From the White crater, we could continue our journey towards Situ patengan. This park is more crowded than the White crater, probably due to the existing facilities more. This vast 17 ​​hectare park, while the lake area 48 ha. In the middle of the lake there is a small islandcalled the island of Asmara, due to a heart-shaped.

There patengan, derived from the Sundanese, "Pateangan-teangan" which means looking for each other. It is said that there used to be a pair of lovebirds and goddess Ki Santang Rengganis who love each other. They split up so long, and each search. Finally they met at a place called Stone Love. Goddess Rengganis also asked for a lakeand a boat to sail together. This boat which until then had been aheart-shaped island (island Asmara / island Sasaka).

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typical Sundanese musical instruments


The Angklung is a musical instrument made of two bamboo tubes attached to a bamboo frame. The tubes are carved to have a resonant pitch when struck and are tuned to octaves. The base of the frame is held in one hand, whilst the other hand strucks the instrument. This causes a repeating note to sound. Each of three or more performers in an angkalung ensemble play just one note or more, but altogether complete melodies are produced. The Angklung is popular throughout Southeast Asia, but it originated in today's Indonesia and has been played by the Sundanese for many centuries.

The word "angklung" was originated from Sundanese "angkleung-angkleungan", that means the movement of angklung player and the sound "klung" that comes from the instrument.

Another theory suggested that the word "angklung" was formed from two Balinese words - angka and lung. Angka means "tone", and lung means "broken" or "lost". Angklung thus means an "incomplete tone".

Outside Indonesia

The angklung was first invented in West Java, Indonesia; with a possibility of cultural transmittance to various other places such as Malaysia & the Philippines over the course of several centuries. In the early 20th century during the time of Dutch East Indies, the angklung was adopted in Thailand, where it is called angkalung (อังกะลุง). It was recorded that angklung was brought to Siam in 1908 by Luang Pradit Pairoh, royal musician in the entourage of HRH Field Marshal Prince Bhanurangsi Savangwongse of Siam, who paid a royal visit to Java that year (27 years after the first state visit of his elder brother, King Chulalongkorn to Java in 1871.) The Thai angklung are typically tuned in the Thai tuning system of seven equidistant steps per octave, and each angklung has three bamboo tubes tuned in three separate octaves rather than two, as is typical in Indonesia.
In 2008, there was a grand celebration in the Thai traditional music circle, to mark the 100th anniversary of the introduction of angklung to Thailand. Both the Thai and Indonesian governments supported to celebration.
Angklung has also been adopted by its Austronesian-speaking neighbors, in particular by Malaysia and the Philippines, where they are played as part of bamboo xylophone orchestras. Formally introduced into Malaysia sometime after the end of the Confrontation, angklung found immediate popularity. They are generally played using a pentatonic scale similar to the Indonesian slendro, although in the Philippines, sets also come in the diatonic and minor scales used to perform various Spanish-influenced folk music in addition to native songs in pentatonic.
At least one Sundanese angklung buncis ensemble exists in the United States. Angklung Buncis Sukahejo is an ensemble at The Evergreen State College, and includes eighteen double rattles (nine tuned pairs) and four dog-dog drums.
Many angklung videos are available on youtube. People have even started to play pop songs on them, which just goes to show how quickly this generation is going by.

World record

On July 9, 2011 5,182 people from many nations played angklung together in Washington DC and are listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the largest angklung ensemble.


Calung is a traditional music instrument from Java precisely from Central Java and West Java. Similar to Angklung, Calung is made from bamboo but they have different form. Calung is a little bit like xylophone. To sound it, simply hit the lath using its stick. Calung is usually played on special occasion like at the wedding anniversary, a boy’s circumcision celebration, and other anniversary. Dancers called Lengger (girl dancers) dancing along with the music of calung.

Calung is a Sundanese musical instrument which is a prototype (prototype) of the angklung. Unlike the angklung is played by shaken, beating calung way is to hit the rod (wilahan, blades) of the joints (bamboo tubes) are arranged according to the barrel titi (scales) pentatonic (da-mi-na-ti-la) . Species of bamboo to manufacture most of awi wulung calung (black bamboo), but some are made ​​from awi friend (white bamboo).

Calung sense than as a musical instrument is also attached as the performing arts. There are two forms of Sunda calung known, namely calung calung rantay and portable.

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Sundanese dance

Like Javanese dancing, Sundanese dancing has also passed through tile following periods of development explained in previous chapters, viz.: the Period of Primitive Society, Feudal Society, and Modern Society.

Jaipongan dance

Jaipongan, also known as Jaipong, is a popular traditional dance of Sundanese people, West Java, Indonesia. The dance was created by Gugum Gumbira, based on traditional Sundanese Ketuk Tilu music and Pencak Silat movements.

Jaipong today
In 2011, the international popularity of jaipongan has decreased, but in Asia, it’s still extremely popular. It’s most popular in the areas of Sunda, where it was created, as well as the surrounding villages and cities.
Although it’s most popular in Asia, there are jaipongan dance troupes and musical ensembles in Europe in addition to the United States (like Harsanari of San-Francisco) and throughout other parts of the world.
In 2011, jaipongan is noted as a modern classical concert genre of music, which is often sampled in other Asian music, and has multiple subgenres. There is still is a large market for jaipongan CDs and mp3s.

Peacock dance

Peacock peacock dance is a dance popular in the land of Java, different versions can be found also in West Java and East Java.
Peacock Dance is a dance of creation of new land created by Raden Pasundan Tjetjep Somantri in the 1950s and remade by dra. Irawati Durban in 1965.
Many people mistakenly think that if this dance tells about the life and joy peahen, but this dance tells the story of the charm of the famous transvestite male peacock to impress the females. The male will display the beauty of the long tail feathers and colorful to attract the female. Gestures of the male who looks like a graceful dance to showcase the charm of her best so that the female fascination and continue their marriage rituals.

Every movement is full of meaning cheerful and happy, so this dance is often used as a dance of welcome gifts for guests or the groom to the aisle. The costumes are colorful with typical peacock accent and the most dominant characteristic of which is filled with sequin wings that can be stretched by the dancer with graceful movements that add a wonderful charm of this dance, as well as the crown decorated with a peacock's head called the singer who will sway each dancer moves his head.
In any event Peacock dance most often shown, especially for the great welcome guests or to introduce Indonesian culture, especially culture Pasundan to the international level.

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